Buying of the company RIB AUTO SA
Creation of SCOPEMA born by the wishes of six former employees of company RIB-AUTO SA to keep their production skills and knowledge within the sphere of automotive upholsterers, the company SCOPEMA SARL, is created 1st June 1981 under the form of SCOP (SCOPEMA – Cooperative Society of Production workers, Autos and Motors) Each employee then became a shareholder of the Company. The brand RIB which was created in 1996 is conserved. SCOPEMA since it’s creation has become the leading French manufacturer of ergonomic seats, it manufactures bucket seats for the smaller series of cars both sporting and leisure (Visa chrono, JP4, Renault 5 Belle Ile …) as well as competition seats for the track and off-road vehicles. At the same time, SCOPEMA pursued the manufacture of leather goods for motorcyclists (jackets, boots, overalls, gloves…) which made the brand RIB famous in the 1970’s, and the manufacture of automobile accessories such as steering wheel covers, gear lever ball covers, gear lever boots, dust covers…
Diversification of activities
Seats and benchseats for Campervan
Export and development of the range of benchseats
SCOPEMA develops its activity of research and development.
The range of reversible benchseats are progressively enriched and constantly improved (the principal of the function of these benchseats became the subject of registered copyright) this offered a solution for each type of sleeping arrangement as required.
European Homologation
European Homologation of the whole range of convertible benchseats by the TUV Rheinland (Germany), this first homologation was followed by various extensions to follow the evolution of standards.
Creation of the two brands Le Sellier and Jocker
European Homologation of the whole of the range of metal seat armatures and swivel seats, including installation on the vehicle, by the TUV Rheinland (Germany), following the evolution of standards of installation of this type of product. Since this date, extensions of this homologation are regularly carried out to ensure conformity of our mountings on each new vehicle.
New campaign for approval for the benchseats (made by UTAC – France), in collaboration with the majority of French converters, grouped in the CARCOSERCO
(French Federation of the vehicles conversions), to meet the new requirements of the European regulations (for fixation of the seats who must be tested in each vehicle type). -
Expansion of the production site, bringing the total area of the premises to 2540 sqm.
Buying of the old CARCOSERCO-owned anchor Approvals for RIB seats : SCOPEMA now becomes the sole owner of the approvals for all of its products.
Construction of a new extension and expansion of the car parks, bearing the total area of the premises at 2850 sqm. The limit of the 100 benchseats produced per week is crossed.
Construction of our new factory
NEW : Benchseats on rails 100% bonding
After more than a year’s work by our R&D team, our 100% bonded rail-mounted bench seat is now available. With this technical innovation, we have launched the sliding rail-mounted bench seat and the fixed rail-mounted bench seat, to offer more freedom to our van fitters. Thanks to the 100% bonded rail-mounted bench, there are no placement constraints to be respected when fitting the benchseat, it is suitable for electric vehicles on which it is not possible to drill the floor, and last but not least, it considerably reduces the weight of the frame.
Scopema continues to innovate to diversify its offer and meet its customers’ needs, always looking to the future and to sustainable development.
Our history
Discover our history and the journey accomplished over the past 40 years